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Plank Your Way To Success

  • September 10, 2020

Hey people, We’re back with a great video from Coach Paige Here she takes you through 4 plank variations to help strengthen your core, reduce back pain and some up your workouts. Watch below

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Have You Gained Lockdown Pounds?!

  • August 18, 2020

Hey, It’s been another great start to week here at JB Fit HQ (online and in person)😃 ​So a couple of quick questions… Have you gained some pounds during lockdown?  Did

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Silver linings, time & common ground

  • May 6, 2020

Hey, How are you?​ Where on earth has the month gone?! Is it me or has April flown by so quickly. We’ve just completed our first calendar month of lockdown and whilst there have been

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The New Normal

  • April 10, 2020

The New Normal is in full swing! Many of you haven’t heard from us in while so let me give you a quick update on what has been happening at JB Fitness UK HQ. So firstly, we’ve closed

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Bodyweight Workout

  • March 31, 2020

🔥Control the controllable 🔥 With all us spending an enforced period of time at home, here’s coach Paige with a simple but effective bodyweight workout that you can do at home!  (1)

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Control The Controllable

  • March 18, 2020

Normality seems to be out of the window as the news develops a new headline every single day! From the lack of loo roll, to hand sanitisers, working from home and the government making massive statements

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No Equipment, HIIT workout

  • March 16, 2020

Hey, Check out this No Equipment workout that you can do any day, every day with your personal trainer in Highbury!💪💪💪 Amidst the world developments, we need to stay healthy

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Strong is the new healthy ⁉️

  • February 15, 2020

There used to be a time when very few adults included strength training in their fitness routine.  It was thought of as extreme, unnecessary, reserved for body builders and even dangerous.  So

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  • February 10, 2020

Metabolism🤔⁉️ What is it.. How does it work How do we measure it.. And where does exercise figure in the equation.. Listen to coach JB, your personal trainer in Highbury,

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Hip Pain?!

  • February 10, 2020

Hip Pain‼️ This is a common complaint we hear amongst our members when they first join us. Typically, they sit at their desks for hours on end & these leads to the multiple aches

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