If you’re on a mission to slim down and tone up then it’s really important to hone your fat loss rather than simply weight loss. Losing pounds feels good, but if those pounds are precious muscle, then
Continue readingHave you ever wondered how some people are able to maintain amazing bodies while you struggle with your weight? They make it seem so easy to achieve and maintain results. What do they know that you don’t?
Continue readingThe number one reason why you don’t exercise is that you don’t have time. At least that’s what you tell yourself. I know we are all busy. Between getting to and from work, balancing responsibilities
Continue readingAlmost every new client comes to me with the desire to lose fat – for a variety of reasons. The most prevailing reason that I hear is that they want to look fitter, feel fitter and have more confidence
Continue readingThe latest trends in fitness are leaning toward the ‘shorter is better’ philosophy…but do dramatically shortened workouts really get the job done? No one can deny that the days of spending hours
Continue readingWe’re here to warn you of the 5 myths that most people fall for. Don’t waste your time on these: Myth #1: Take diet pills to boost your effort. It’s so tempting! The commercials make
Continue readingWomen everywhere complain about the size of their thighs. Fat and cellulite have a way of ending up there – especially in the upper, inner thigh area. I’m often asked how to quickly and easily
Continue reading*Image sourced from https://jbfitnessuk.fitproconnect.com/Newsletter/11/18/2014 9 Rules of Lean Eating You’d like your eating plan to work for you – to get you the results that you want without
Continue readingAre you still waiting for the day that you’ll be fit? How many times have we told ourselves that we’ll start living healthy tomorrow? Or next week? After we’ve had just one more pizza dinner
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