Fit, Toned & Confident - 7.15am Club! - JB Fitness UK

Fit, Toned & Confident – 7.15am Club!

  • March 22, 2016

7.15am Club.001We’re Looking for 5 Local women from Highbury for our 30 Day Transformation Program who can train at 7.15am on Monday, Wednesday or Friday.

Our January / February programme have recently finished and once again the results were spectacular.

Ladies that took part wanted to kick start 2016 with a new healthy body are NOW wearing smaller clothes and look absolutely amazing.

Other than the obvious (and very noticeable) change in the way that they looked, they also noticed the following:

* More energy, helping them to spend more quality time with their kids and partners.
* Improved focus, helping them to become more productive at work.
* Improved confidence, meaning that they were no longer embarrassed about going out and dressing up.
* Better educated about long term healthy eating meaning that they are no longer looking for magic pills and FAD diets.

If any of this resonates with you then you may well be eligible to become one of our next success stories.

We do have an eligibility criteria for this 7.15am club and we ONLY have 5 places available but if you do secure yourself a place then you can certainly expect to see a huge change in the 30 days.

Click the link for more info and to check whether you’re eligible:

About the Author James Bramwell